
2019-05-07 1314



        The EPXO is a high performance, stainless steel flush diaphragm. It is designed for high temperature, high stability, and high sensitivity applications. The EPXO is offered in pressure ranges from 10 to 500 bar in gage (vented), sealed gage, and absolute pressure. Various compensated temperature ranges are available from -40°C up to 200°C. The sensor is offered with an amplified or unamplified output.

        型: 高频压力传感器
        程: 010,15,20,35,70,100,150,200,350,500BAR
  线  性: ±0.75%FSO
        出: 9mV5V
供电电源: 15VDC,±15VDC2432VDC
电气连接: 螺纹接口
工作温度: -40125 
        点: 高频响应,箔式硅压阻应变片,小尺寸,动态及被动式输出
典型应用: 液压系统,气压系统,一般干或湿介质测量,工程机械