Piezo cable is another form of piezo polymer sensors. Designed as a coaxial cable, the Piezo polymer is the dielectric between the center core and the outer braid. When the cable is compressed or stretched, a charge or voltage is generated proportional to the stress.
Piezo cable has a number of advantages in certain applications. Due to its coaxial design, the cable is selfshielded,allowing its use in a high EMI environment. The piezo cable can be spliced to passive coax, using standard coax splice techniques. It is extremely rugged and will stand up to heavy loads. Its linear format makes it ideal for monitoring large areas.
In the cable construction, two narrow ribbons of PVDF film are helically wound around the inner conductor, which comprises 20 awg stranded silver-plated copper wire. The cable is then braided, and jacketed with an extruded high-density polyethylene.
The cable is available in short lengths (in multiples of 1 m), or as single cut lengths wound on spools.
类 型:电缆
外 径:1.6mm
电 容:950pF/m
耗 散:0.016@1kHz
特 点:连接简单,电压相应灵敏度好,耐温达85℃,可定制长度
至此,数据、智能与城市,完成了一次软硬件一体的结合。那么,我们不妨简单总结一下,在才智城市的建构过程中,传感器系统会承当什么人物? 传感器将作为数据规划师存在。在城市智能交通系统的布置细节中,我们会发现,传感器系统并不仅仅是在机械履行道路改造作业,而是充沛结合城市交通发展中的实际问题,经过数字化、智能化的手段,去应对杂乱而多变的交通状况。换句话说,一个好的数据规划师,才干让城市生活变得实在可
人们为了从外界获取信息,须借助于感觉气官。而单靠人们本身的感觉气官,在研究天然现象和规则以及出产活动中它们的功用就远远不够了。为习惯这种状况,就需要传感器。因而可以说,传感器是人类五官的延长,又称之为电五官。 新技能的到来,国际开始进入信息时代。在使用信息的过程中,首先要解决的就是要获取准确可靠的信息,而传感器是获取天然和出产领域中信息的主要途径与手段。 在现代工业出产尤其是自动化出产过程