
2021-10-21 990



        The TEI-19 compensated is a 19 mm small profile, media compatible, piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor packaged in a 316L stainless steel housing. It is designed for O-ring mounting and OEM applications where compatibility with corrosive media is required.

        The sensing package utilizes silicone oil to transfer pressure from the 316L stainless steel diaphragm to the sensing element. A PCB is attached to the package that contains laser-trimmed resistors for temperature compensation and offset correction.

        For a similar sensor with same outline dimensions and similarparameters, refer to the 154N Compensated pressure sensor.


类       型: 表压,绝压 
量       程: 0~5,15,30,50,100,300,500(Psi)  
非  线  性: ±0.1%非线性 
输       出: 0~100mV  
供电电源: 1.5mA  
工作温度:  -20℃~70℃,-40℃~125℃  
电气连接: 导线、焊盘、导线带、导柱
特       点: O形圈密封结构,激光修正补偿技术,外径19mm 
典型应用: 医疗器械,过程控制,淡水和废水测量,制冷/压缩机 ,压力变送器,液压控制装置